Sunday, 30 August 2009

'American' English?

So having made it through orientation with my mind only slightly turned to mush by the endless taking and my hands only slightly turned to mush by giving myself a round of applause for everything from getting on a plane to listening so intently, I attempt to register for classes, but as I don't have any prerequisites needed for the 'advanced' physics courses they need me to present my transcripts (understandable) and then comes the clincher, "Oh, you haven't taken any English classes, how do we know you can cope?" They didn't seem to accept my nationality as proof of fluency so I had to take the English test:

You have studied English for several years. Perhaps you feel confident about your writing, more likely you do not. To let us know your strength and your weaknesses, take 30-45 minutes now to write a brief essay about your training in English to this point, and about what kind of writer you now are as a result of that training.
--Be as specific as possible
--Restrict your essay to a single English class if you prefer
--Cross out and revise as much as you wish

Thankfully whoever marked it seemed to understand British sarcasm as after that there were no suggestions that I take any English classes

Sunday, 23 August 2009


So after a seven hour flight, an hour talking a simply lovely man from boarder control, who did everything from threatening me with manual labour to putting me on 'the list' (I'm pretty sure he was joking) and another hour waiting for the car hire people to take their lunch I am in, for 30 days at least.

Hopefully I will remember to get and send off the form I need before they kick me out.

Other than that, I am attempting to integrate myself into the society by visiting a mall, which is where I saw the holy grail that was the Slap Chop, wanted to by it purely for Irony sake
In case any of you were wondering the big advertising line on the packaging was 'Guys we're gonna make America skinny again, one slap at a time'.

I believe the jury is still out on how successful the campaign has been.