Saturday, 12 September 2009

This is about as topical as its gonna get folks

As you all know I'm highly political and could not possibly have come to the US without thoroughly immersing myself in the politics so I decided that I couldn't form a proper view as regards the health care debate in America without experiencing the current situation first hand. In order to do this I did have to sacrifice some brain cells and a couple of days of clear thought but I came out with a blurry (in more ways at one) view of the A&E of the USA.

Firstly, they love the 'blue and twos', which I apparently got for a 5 minute trip across campus to the University hospital. Secondly they can't decide anything without my consent, as soon as I woke up they asked me whether I wanted any treatment, or just wanted to walk out of the hospital. Great to have someone make a conscious decision about their well being when they can't even tell you their mobile number (which I haven't learnt yet) or who the Vice President is (which I wouldn't know anyway) and kept getting their birth date wrong.

The long and the short of it is that at the moment their giving about the same level of care with a lot more faffing about and form filling, I hate to think what would have happened to me if I had got it all for free.