- In America using the phase 'Oh sorry I don't have one, I'm British' is just as good as producing an ID stating that your over 21 when asked
- Not only do Americans pronounce herbs 'erbs' they pronounce the haircare products 'erbal essences' which is rather off-putting
- Homecoming is not really like it is in the movies or how it was hyped up to be by the US students, in fact (at least at Stony Brook) it is rather dull other than the free balloons and foam 'paws' (as opposed to fingers) they're was not a lot going on. I'm still looking for the free alcohol that was supposed to be abundant during the game.
The first home game played at the University that year, which it wasn't. The first game was played about 2 weeks ago but they chose this one because it was supposed to be a sure win, although that did mean that far more people had midterms to revise for so fewer people came to homecoming than the first game.
- Bagels taste better here, this has been accredited to the NY water with which the dough is made
- When an American states that they have found the best beer in the world expect what we would deem a decent beer in the UK, never get your hopes up, it will still be a cold fizzy lager.
- They don't know that naught means zero (as in naught point seven means 0.7) but this becomes even more interesting when discussing the physical constant: epsilon naught, most students I talk too have yet to realise it is called this because it is in reference to a VACUUM (as opposed to some other medium; air, water etc.)
- And lastly: I miss you